As you may have figured out by now, I am in the very early stages of organizing this ministry. At some point soon, I will be in need of professionals and other gifted individuals with a passion for ministry to step forward and help this ministry gain traction. I am so excited by this wonderful calling. As you read this, I hope and pray that God calls you to this exciting new ministry.
I decided to begin the process of organizing my thoughts and ideas through the development of this website. This first stage of development is to organize my thoughts and to begin to build a plan. For the past several years, all the planning has been done through prayerful thought and stored somewhere in my mind. I pray that all of the lost thoughts were those that weren’t part of God’s plan and that all of the thoughts stored here electronically are part of God’s plan for this ministry.
I am a web developer which is definitely different than a web designer. The logo (comments welcome) was developed by a co-worker. I put together a quick design for this website. I have the support for any addtional graphical design that may be required. I just need some time for these to develop. I also need to continue to organize my thoughts and goals on these pages.
The areas of organization that I don’t have enough skill to manage are the areas where I am looking for the help of gifted individuals and professional. My most pressing needs fall into the following categories:
- Legal – I would love to be able to organize as a non-profit organization. This would open up all kinds of additional opportunities for ministry as it would enable us to accept tax deductible donations. It also would provide us with the necessary components to build a strong ministry such as a board to prayerfully guide our actions.
- Financial – I am in need of someone that I can trust implicitly to manage the financials (or potential financials seeing right now I am the bank).
- Grammatical – While I love to share my thoughts and ideas with the written word, it takes me way too long to proof what I’ve written and fine tune the message. I would love to have someone who has been gifted in this area to clean up and fine tune my messages.
- Human Resources – This is not the traditional HR office folk. As valuable of a role that HR folks are to an organization, we don’t have employees and may never have employees. The people that I am talking about are those who are willing to be the hands and feet of Christ through this ministry. These are people with a heart for ministering to others. Whether it is for working on trailers, donating resources and ideas, riding a bicycle, serving on our yet to be established board or whatever skill set that you might feel God asking you to bring to this exciting ministry.